Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking
We have had enormous success with getting people to stop smoking. However, hypnotherapy will only work if someone is really determined to quit smoking.
Before we can get you to stop, we will establish your commitment to be certain that we can help. Patients must understand that when stopping smoking, there can be no going back or telling themselves that they can have just one ‘socially’. Once you stop smoking, that is it, for ever.
Take it one day at a time, and congratulate yourself for each day you don’t smoke! Remember the reasons for giving up, and what is being gained by not smoking.

Your session
Before coming to Soulworks, it is worth discussing your plans with your GP just to be sure there are no underlying conditions.
It generally takes only a single session, lasting up to two hours, to stop you wanting to smoke, now and for ever.
Before the session, we will ask you to complete a detailed questionnaire, so that we can understand your particular situation, and assess your motivation.
During the session, we will agree your goal, identify any anchors that may help and any direct suggestions to use, as well as aversions that may help. This may need clarification.
Smoking – why stop?
When smokers stop the benefits begin immediately.
- After 1 month – skin will be clearer, brighter and more hydrated.
- After 3 – 9 months – breathing will have improved, coughs and wheezes vanish. Lung function may have improved by up to 10%.
- After 1 year – the risk of heart attack and heart disease will have fallen to about half that of a smoker.
- After 10 years – the risk of lung cancer will have fallen by half.
- After 15 years – the risk of heart attack and heart disease will be of someone who has never smoked.
- Stopping smoking increases the chances of living a longer and healthier life.
- Stopping smoking reduces risk of death or serious illness due to smoking-related conditions, such as lung cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
- Stopping smoking means you can stop harming others through
- Financial gain – if a patient smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, that’s approximately $35 a day. Over a year, that’s a saving of over $12,000!
After one session with Miranda I became a non-smoker
I was a confirmed smoker for 20+ years, with many, many attempts to stop in the past (including hypnosis). After one session with Miranda I became a non-smoker and I still have no idea how she did it. I had a quick ‘booster’ session with her before going on holiday to a smoking environment, and even when my mother suffered a massive stroke, the last thing on my mind was picking up a cigarette.
Thank you Miranda, for everything that you have given me back!
6th Apr 2015
We both went to see Miranda to quit smoking
We both went to see Miranda to quit smoking. My husband smoked 30 to 40 cigarettes a day and we had both smoked for about 35 years. After trying unsuccessfully to quit many times using patches and Prescription meds, we went to see Miranda for hypnotherapy. That was 6 months ago and we haven’t touched a cigarette since. She is amazing. I never thought we could do it but it really works. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Miranda, worth every cent. We have saved so much money and feel so much healthier.
3rd May 2015
It has been that easy to become an ex-smoker
After 33 years of smoking, it really seemed time to say, enough! A few months ago, having decided I wanted to give up smoking I approached Miranda at Soulworks Therapies through a friends recommendation. The session with her was relaxed and very calming, it was almost disappointing when it was over! Well, that was in April, and I truly cannot believe it has been that easy to become an ex-smoker. I can’t tell you how proud I feel of myself, not to mention the value I now place in looking after myself after years heavy smoking.